Wednesday, December 4, 2019

not sure what to title this

i've spent the last two days practically all day researching a replacement . todsy i took a call at 9pm from one potential replacement the cost is a huge issue with me and they mentioned they do a lot of tissue work, which in the past has flared me my pt knew from the start how to treat me i'm sure she flared me a few times but it isn't something that sticks in my mind lately it was just other issues popping up right after the session discs out...lack of rom i didn't flare for days i don't think i need all that muscle work nor do i want it i just want the quick massage and joint glides tomorrow i will return to the office and she won't be there will be odd and sad and i will see how she treats i heard again her bedside manner is not warm and fuzzy i just wonder if the pt knew this when she started there or if it began to drag her down as the days went on being ghosted is tough what's even tougher is trying to find a replacement i wish i had asked her who she would suggest but i never thought she would up and leave my gut says soon the truth will come out , probably sometime next year so tomorrow i just hope i can get out of pain and she's open to listen to how i was treated

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