Wednesday, January 1, 2020

PT #4

not the way i wanted to spend NYE but they had cancellations so there i was cold winter day on a train back into the city... being that i'm now always loopy on meds just to function i had to ask people for directions ...luckily two nice women were headed in my direction to see the lights... i ended up walking past the building and once again asking for help, went into a store and they told me where i needed to go so in i walk and up the levator i go...with a minute to spare ... i was met with soothing music and so i sat and did some deep breathing to relax and to calm myself from the mad dash from the station the session went ok, pt agreed the other one did throw off my pelvis and it is causing me the added validation there always trust your body always she listened to me and said i could cry if i needed but i made it the entire hour with no tears she did some minor work but nothing helped and i'm just not sure ... it's so expensive and i'm swimming in debt since my ot quit i hate this beyond words she's going to try and reach out to my pt but i doubt she will even reply it's like she's basically dead the trip back didn't go well, i had bad back pain and stopped to take pics of the lights and it was all just too much sucks so bad i got on the train and somehow missed my stop...i must have zoned out it was insane , so the stop i got off on has this steep ass ramp and it was horrible and then i walked the wrong way and had to go back thinking maybe i could catch the next train but the next train was at 10pm... so uber it was ...thankfully a nice guy picked me up and was so empathetic , really nice guy so that was more money today was horrible just bad pain, my pelvic floor is a mess, the pubic bone is all jacked up i know what needs done and just need someone to do it.... this is insane i had a meltdown bawled my eyes out and was so angry that my PT couldn't just stay one more day to see me it's horrid .. so far i'm up to $490 spent since she quit and next week is even more , going bankrupt for what would have been an easy fix

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