Monday, August 20, 2018

my stomach again or is it the muscles

so my gi tract, rectum or whatever did it's thing again last nite...holding on for dear life, and no matter how much laxatives i took, it didn't matter...btw they seem to flare my bladder and after peeing at 3am i was awake burning with pressure front to back. this morning things were more relaxed and the grip not so bad,but the damage is done now set offeverything all over again so tonite i went and bought higher fiber foods, despite trying this briefly...i'm going to try it again. i'm at my wits end while out tonite, i sat in my car observing how easily people moved they took the movements for granted...the way an older man used one had to lift his trunk etc then there was the guy i bumped into last spring...he didn't see me but i saw him...i'm worse off now then ever with my health ... i'm leaning towards hoping back on antibiotics again ...nothing else seems to be working liquid diets baby food i'm frustrated ...i just had a few decent days and now back to this...

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